Embrace natural healing with Naturopathy, focusing on holistic health and wellness
Crescent Meditours Welcomes You To
Naturopathy Treatment
With growing global recognition of the power of nature cure, the home has been recently renovated and reconstructed to accommodate newer techniques and therapies in the science of nature cure.Thousands of people from all over the world have embraced the Naturopathy way of life, During the course of naturopathy treatments in India, you will find that naturopathy is often practiced in conjunction with other alternative therapies like homeopathy.
Treating the cause of disease by a natural approach for goodness health
"Naturopathy treats a host of ailments that can plague different parts of the body, some of them for you",
- Massage Therapy
- Mud Therapy
- Magneto Therapy
- Chromo Therapy
- Hydro therapy
- Acupressure & Acupuncture
- Reflexology
- Fasting Therapy
- Former & Vaccum Therapy
- Compressive Air Therapy
Metabolic Disorders
Obesity, Diabetes mellitus, Thyroid related disorders, Gout, etc
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Acid peptic diseases, Peptic / Duodenal ulcers, constipation, Gastritis, Irritable bowel syndrome
Cardiovascular Diseases
Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteo Arthritis, Cervical/Lumbar Spondylosis
Nervous Disorders
Sciatica, Post Hemiplegic Rehabilitation, Insomnia, Headaches, Migraine
Cardiovascular Diseases
Hypertension, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Varicosity
Skin Diseases
Skin Allergies, Eczema, Psoriasis
Women’s Ailments
Menstrual disorders, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Fibroids Support Treatment for Infertility
Oncology Diseases
Blood Cancer, Bone Cancer,Breast Cancer, Endocrine Cancer, Gynaecologic Cancer
Hypertension Issues
Lower Blood Pressure,Raises Blood Pressure,Reduce Salt,Stress Reduction,Dietary Changes